When Blair and I went to Europe last fall, we were lucky enough to be able to go The Vatican. The world's largest art museum, which also holds the Sistine Chapel. It was one of the most amazing places I've ever been. I'm not an art history major, (although at the time we were there, I wish I had been) but I the art in there was so unbelievable!
Ever since then I have wanted to try and develop more talents of my own. I am by no stretch of the imagination an artist. I don't have a lot of creativity built up in my DNA, but I really want to try and work on that... I have been wanting to do some sort of craft or something lately that I can decorate my home with to add a personal touch.
Well, Blair and I have really been wanting a painting in our house for some time, but haven't been able to find anything we like at a reasonable cost. And we decided, we could do it ourselves! So we went out to the nearest craft store and loaded up on all the supplies we would need to create our very own masterpiece! Since neither one of us has really ever attempted painting before, we decided to get a couple small canvas's to take a practice run first. It was so fun! But we realized we needed to do a little more research on some painting techniques... neither one of us are naturals....
After doing some more homework and a couple more practice paintings I started my project on Saturday: